Pelagic Shark Research Foundation

ANI White Shark Study


Preliminary Data/Specs.  2005-2006:

Data from 1992 thru 2000 was absconded by Scott Davis, some of it was published in nature journal 2002; we are still attempting to recover it.

Some of the data we retained is included in the preliminary ID archive at the URL below:


Operations Log 2005-2006:



More sharks than typical seasons in past, sharks were apparently abundant earlier than is typical and sharks appeared to remain longer than usual.


We hadn’t seen this many sharks since 1997-98 season.


We observed some sharks we are familiar with from our 1995-2003 efforts.


Still seeing more females than males.


We observed more sub-adults than is typical.

Deployed record number of tags this season.


DNA Samples shipped to US Fish and Wildlife, these will be shared with TOPP program associates.


The bait used during the 2005/06 effort was acquired from HMB whale stranding and ANI reserve.


Halfmoon bay whale stranding:


Aρo Nuevo Island, January 2006:




Gender Histogram / Population Structure:








TL specs/stats:

Shark log: 2005/06

Sep11, 14’ female.

Oct 1, 15’ female.

Oct 14, 15’ female, 13’ male, 13’ female.

Oct 20, 13’ female, 13’ female.

Nov 2, 13’ female, 15’ female.

Nov 5, 16’ female.

Nov16, 12’ female, 12.5’female, 14’female.

Nov18, 12’ male, 12’ sex n/a, 14’ sex n/a.

Nov19, 15.5’ female, 14.5 female.

Dec 9, 17’ female, scooped caudal.

Jan21, 14’ female, 13’male.

Jan24, 18’female.




14’ female.

15’ female.

15’ female

13’ female

13’ female

13’ female

13’ female

15’ female

16’ female

12’ female

12.5’ female

14’ female

15.5’ female

14.5’ female

17’ female

14’ female




13’ male

12’ male




12’ sex n/a

14’ sex n/a