July 1997
El Niņo brings rare creatures nearer to shore, farther north
then usual.
Mako sharks in Monterey Bay, Marlins off Washington.
January 1996
White sharks granted federal protection within Monterey
Chumming for white sharks banned.
July 1995
Monterey Bay Aquarium releases star attraction.
11 foot long shark " Emma" is released and tracked
with a transmitter.
July 1994
Researchers and environmentalists protest shark "Archery"
derby in California.
Huge uproar over controversial shark hunt.
March 1994
California Sport Divers Chum for white Sharks.
Researchers, locals upset.
January 1994
White shark declared a protected species in California
Governor Wilson passes Assembly Bill 522.
July 1993
Sport catch limits for sharks imposed in California waters.
No longer open season for misunderstood predators.
May 1992
Killer Whales attack gray whales in Monterey Bay
Researchers video tape the attacks for first time.
Dec 1990
Basking Sharks in Monterey Bay.
World record number of basking sharks tagged.