Elkhorn Slough Elasmobranch Project
How do Elasmobranchs Interact With the Slough?
The interactions between elasmobranchs and the slough environment can be separated into three distinct, but highly related categories:
- Foraging behavior
- Reproductive behavior
- Migratory behavior
Feeding Behavior: The slough as a prey rich environment How are elasmobranchs
feeding in the slough?
- What types of prey are being eaten overall?
- infaunal
- nektic
Who is eating specific prey species?
- How are prey being acquired by each species?
- burrowing
- active pursuit
- ambush?
Reproductive Behavior: The slough as an important area for breeding How do elasmobranchs utilize the slough for reproductive purposes?
Which species use the slough for reproduction and how?
- Mating
- Lekking
- Mate selection site
- Incubation of embryos
- Gravid females may not
necessarily go to the
slough to pup, but to
help incubate their young.
- Pupping
- Is the Elkhorn slough an
important nursery for
Migratory Behavior: How elasmobranchs move throughout the slough
- How do elasmobranchs move either within the slough or between the slough and the Monterey Bay?
- What factors affect movement?
- Temperature
- Salinity
- Turbidity
- Tide
- Response to predators or prey
- Competition: within one species or between different species
- Age and size